Prayer on the Road to Emmaus

Lord Jesus, we pray,

following You on the road to Emmaus

In dialogue with Your disciples.

Lord Jesus, make the Emmaus Family a sign of the times In their own “road to Emmaus,” Journey with them and guide them on the path of holiness, A path for those who move

with love and compassion,

Trusting in Your words: “Do not be afraid. . .

I am with You.”

Lord Jesus, send to the Emmaus family

more vocations,

To serve You as Emmaus Missionary Disciples

Ready to live and promote

life-in-dialogue with courage

Guided by Your Beatitudes, in the search for more, Inspired by the “fiat” of the Virgin Mary, Our Mother of Dialogue.

Lord Jesus, stay with us, Open our eyes and burn our hearts To serve and share Your love with all.
